RivalRO is a pre-renewal, mid rates server that can offer you balanced & unique gameplay. We have added our own flavor to make your gameplay more exciting while maintaining some features that some of you are all familiar with
Server Rates:
• 50 x Base Experience• 50 x Job Experience
• 20 x Drop Rates
• 20 x Normal Card
• 1 x MVP Drop Rate
• Disable x Boss/Mini Boss Card
Basic Information:
- Modified PK Server
- Episode: 13.3 EL DICASTES
- Pure 2-2 Transcendent Classes
- Max Levels: 99 (Base) and 70 (Job)
- Max Stats: 99
- Max Aspd: 190
- Instant Cast: 150 Dex
- Max storage : 300
- Max zeny: 2,000,000,000
- Server timezone: GMT +8
- Main Language: English/Tagalog
- Max party size: 15 members
- Max guild size: 21 members
- Guild members cap in WoE: 21
- Guild alliance is disabled only in WoE
- Max char slots per account: 15
Game and Host:
• Dual-Client: Enabled• Adelay System (Anti-speedhack/nodelay)
• Gepard Shield Protected
• DDoS Protection and Mitigation
• Internet/ Network Speed: 1 GB/sec
• Bandwidth Traffic: Unlimited
Available Commands:
request, lgp, shake, circle, square, aoes, go, who2, storage, time, storeall, rates, refresh, autoloot, alootid, mobinfo, whodrops, whereis, showexp, showdelay, autotrade, changegm, changeleader, duel, !ping, !vsync and more!